Engineer. Traveler. Writer.


About me

His horoscope is scorpion. It means that you could imagine him like typical a scorpion.

He graduated to the engineering degree from the university then started to professional work life and have over 15 years of experience. He accomplished to outstanding works & projects during his work life. Still maintain to professional work life and achieve great projects in adding & creativing new values in business life.

His life style's value reflects a passion for travelling, getting focus on innovation ideas ,enjoying the moments, exploring new cultures etc. He travelled over of 35 country all around the world until now.  " NEVER BE LOCAL, ALWAYS BE GLOBAL " is his motto and keeping travel to the countries where he never been before. His dream came to true and he wrote a book by himself and it will be published soon ! The press noticed his successful and interviewed with him to publish twice different news in newspaper is very famous in Turkiye. Click on this link1 to find out information in detail and click on this link 2 to view more information

Strong knowledge & experience of using technology, international marketing & sales, foreign trade, e-commerce , web design. He has been winner as "outstanding achievement " of interactive media awards which is based in New York, USA. Click on this link to view reference

He is interesting with  fitness sport, the technology, innovation products and futurist ideas. He speaks in english and turkish language.




    Construction & Interior architecture sector

    International marketing & Sales

    Accomplished outstanding projects & works in international market.


    Industrial sector

    International Marketing & Sales

    Accomplished outstanding projects & works in international market.


    IT and design sector

    International Marketing & Sales

    Accomplished outstanding projects & works in international market.


My Book

First draft of his book is completed and will be published in the offical soon. Still continues editing and reviewing to final.

The mainly subject of the book is to explain affects of travelling new countries and places how to add positive value on the people improvement who being more positive without prejudgment, extend vision, thinking more creative, finding new solutions against to problems and being more strong people etc..also writing how did he live and spend time while travelling new countries. What is interesting things in the countries where he has been and most liked countries within 35 country.




England - Canada - Denmark - Sweden - Croatia - Spain - Italy - Russia - Ukraine - UEA - Thailand - Azerbaijan- Georgia - Algeria - Libya - Netherlands - Germany - Czech Republic - Austria - Hungary - Serbia - Macedonia - Greece - Morocco - France - Scotland - Tunisia etc.





Social Network

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